Corpus Christi

Catholic Church

"We are the Body of the Christ"


Learn about our many ministries at the parish and how you can get involved in our community.

Access your online giving account or create one to make a contribution to our parish.

If you have questions or are looking to contact someone at the parish specifically.

Religious Ed.

We have Religious Education for all ages! Learn more about our programs.

Mass Times

Weekday Masses

Daily Mass:

Monday - Saturday


Weekend Masses

Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm

Sunday  Masses:

7:30AM (English), 9:00AM (English), 11:00AM (Spanish), 12:30PM (English)


Saturday: 3:00PM

inside the Parish Hall

(or by appointment)

Upcoming Events

Lenten Penance Services

Our Parish Penance Service is on Wednesday, March 19 at 7PM in the church. Click below to view all Penance Services in South Bay Parishes:

Click Here

Annual Catholic Appeal

Make a Contribution

Want Info on Upcoming Events?

Click Here For Our Weekly Bulletin

Lenten Penance Services

Our Parish Penance Service is on Wednesday, March 19 at 7PM in the church. Click below to view all Penance Services in South Bay Parishes:

Click Here

From Our Pastor, Father Efrain:

Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Church, and thank you for visiting our website! Our parish is a vibrant community in the Diocese of San Diego, located in the southern part of San Diego County. We hope you can find in our website the resources you need to help you in developing a more profound encounter with Christ. If you cannot locate what you need on our website, don't hesitate to contact us directly; we will gladly help. Again, thank you for visiting our website and being part of our parish community!

Join Our Parish
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We at Corpus Christi have a vibrant community filled with different areas of ministry and spirituality. To the Right are some ministry highlights. Click below to learn more!

Corpus Christi Parish is a community which aspires to be faithful to its name, the Body of Christ. We root ourselves in the Mission, Ministry, and Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. As such, we seek to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us as we embrace our role to teach, to sanctify, and to serve in the name of Christ in union with the Church Universal.

Live Streaming Mass

Can't make it to a service? Watch mass live or watch our most recent services on Youtube.

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