

For more information or to schedule a baptism, please contact:

Sister Katia

Baptism Coordinator

(619)482-3954 ext. 1003

**Please contact to get more information regarding the pre-baptismal seminars**

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Do I need to be a registered parishioner with Corpus Christi to have a Baptism?
It is asked that you are Registered with Corpus Christi AT LEAST ONE MONTH prior scheduling a Baptism.
 If you are registered at another parish, a signed and sealed letter of permission is required from the parish stating that the family has permission to have the Baptism done at Corpus Christi. 

What does it mean to be Baptized in the Catholic Church?

Baptism is the first Sacrament of Christian Initiation. To baptize means to “plunge” or to “immerse” into the water. Baptism is birth into a new life in Christ. It frees us from original sin and incorporates us into his Body, the Church.

What are the requirements for having my child baptized?
To have your child Baptized, it is asked that you complete the Baptism Packet. To obtain a packet, you may come in to the parish office or you can print one out from the button below.

Baptism Packet PDF

When are Baptisms held?

Baptisms are held EVERY SUNDAY:

1st & 2nd Sunday English

3rd SundaySpanish

Please keep in mind that Baptismal Dates are ONLY given and scheduled once the family has completed the Baptismal Packet and ALL requirements are fulfilled. During the pandemic, space is limited for Baptisms so we ask that you please complete and submit the required documents promptly. Requirements are due at least TWO WEEKS prior the chosen date. Incomplete/Partial packets will NOT be accepted and will ONLY be accepted once all paperwork is present and completed. Payments will NOT be accepted prior the completion of the packet. We will only accept payments once all of the required documents and packet is complete and present. 

What do I need to bring the day of the Baptism?
On the day of the Baptism, make sure the child is in ALL WHITE. Candles for the primary godparents will be provided. If the family wishes to bring additional candles for the additional family members that will be present, you are welcome to do so. If you are planning on gifting a rosary or bible for the child being baptized, our deacons may do a blessing during the Baptism. If not, you can approach the celebrating Deacon to do a blessing for you.

Does Corpus Christi perform private Baptisms?
There are no private Baptisms.

Do I have to take a Pre-Baptismal Seminar?
Seminars are MANDATORY for both the parents and primary godparents of the child being Baptized. These are IN PERSON only. For information regarding Pre-baptismal Seminars, please contact Sister Katia so that she may further assist you.

How old does my child have to be, to be eligible for an Infant Baptism?
Children at or under the age of 6 can be baptized as an infant. If the child is 7 years old or up (except in emergency cases) the child is required to participate in a two-year program of preparation to receive all the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation). This program is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC). Please contact the Director of Religious Education to begin the process or for more information.

What if I am an adult and I would like to be Baptized?
Adults are required, except in emergency cases, to participate in a yearlong program of formation culminating in the celebration of full initiation into the Catholic Church at the celebration of the Easter Vigil. This program is called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Please contact the Director of Faith Formation to begin this process or for more information. 

For more information or to schedule a baptism, please contact:

Sister Katia

Baptism Coordinator

(619)482-3954 ext. 1003

  • For baptisms for children OVER 7 years of age, please contact Jeny Aquino, Director of Catechetical Ministry, at
  • For baptisms of high school teens (grades 9-12), please contact Sophie Aipa, Coordinator of Confirmation, at
  • For ADULT BAPTISMS (18+), please contact Sussie Pangcog at 
  • Need some additional information regarding becoming a Godparent/sponsor? Click below

Becoming a godparent/sponsor
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