Basket Raffle

Basket Raffle

Join in the fun on March 15 & 16!

What is the Basket Raffle?

The children and teens of the Religious Education Program are preparing for The Eighteenth Annual Basket Raffle. At this event, we sell $1 Raffle Tickets that can be used for a chance to win fantastic prizes. For every 20 tickets you buy participants receive a GOLDEN TICKET which is for our $1000 Raffle! The Baskets will be showcased in the Parish Hall after all the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses the weekend of March 15-March 16. The drawing will take place after the 8:00 am Mass, Monday, March 17. All proceeds go to the Building Maintenance Fund.

What are the baskets?

Baskets are put together by our Religious Education classes. Our Teachers and their students bring together donations of items and gift cards and amazing prizes and put them together in a lovely basket for participants to win!

How can you participate?

Contact Jeny to purchase your raffle tickets from the Religious Education offices OR you may purchase tickets at the Event. Good luck and have fun at this year's Basket Raffle!

Jeny Aquino

Director of Catechetical Ministry

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